How would I make an input proc that would show multiple lines? Like the input box for the forums. Gah, you know what I mean.
you mean var/message = input("Blah","Blah")as message?
I think this is what you mean

var/msg = input("blah") as null|text
var/msg2 = input("blah") as null|text
var/msg3 = input("blah") as null|text
world << "[usr] said [msg] is a conspiricy to [msg2] which determines [msg3]"

Ok, maybe I wasn't clear. I want an input box that is larger than just a single line.
In response to Garthor
yeah, it's the input("","",[]) as message thing

look up the input proc in the helpfile, it will give you a list of possible inputs, i just discovered that today too, have a nice day! Er... Night, YOU know what I mean, I REALLY hope this helps you out, I'm sorry if it does not.
In response to Thief Jack
Oh yeah, thanks. That works. I jsut realized it was message not text, lol.