(See the best response by Tarundbz.)

About 4:15 or so in, you'll see the majesty of Super Castlevania's world. Words cannot describe how much value I place on this game's world, the foreground, the background, the animation, everything is just so crisp. Anyway, to get more on point, I want to replicate player-specific background that follows the player from left to right. Sidescroller?tab=index

Forum_account replicated this well in his pixel movement side scroller library, although it had one flaw which I was unable to fix. Once a player moves a certain number of tiles, the background will overlay the player's screen.

Any insight on how to properly use Forum_account's background library or how to implement this background style would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
did you enable keyboard library and pixle moment library
Sure did. This flaw is apparent in the demo itself. Try running the background demo and go up the ladder, the background should eventually overlay the screen.
In response to Flame Guardian
Flame Guardian wrote:
Sure did. This flaw is apparent in the demo itself. Try running the background demo and go up the ladder, the background should eventually overlay the screen.

tryed it buddy but there is no such flaw ocurring for me
That's good news Tarundbz. I previously had to delete and reinstall the keyboard library to fix another issue, perhaps this can be fixed in a similar fashion. I'm going to delete my side_scroller library, re-install it and see if this issue is still ongoing.
I reinstalled the library side_scroller and am still experiencing the same problem.
I've pinpointed the issue to when I hit Y5, the issue does not happen if I go from left to right.
Re-downloading the keyboard library also did not fix my issue.
Best response
buddy its not keyboard but a code named

owner.background =+ src

you have to see for that in show proc
I had to re-download/install the keyboard library previously to fix an error that was popping up within the sidescroller library, I was just thinking doing the same for both libraries might be a solution. As for what you just said, I'm a tad confused, are you saying I should ignore the Show() proc and manually add/remove the background? Here is the show/hide proc and the code used within the library:

if(owner && owner.client)
owner.client.images += image
owner.backgrounds += src

if(owner && owner.client)
owner.client.images -= image
owner.backgrounds -= src

base_state = "mob"



src << "This demo may run slowly if you have graphics hardware disabled for BYOND. To enable the use of graphics hardware, in the BYOND pager goto File -> Preferences -> Games and check the third option."
src << ""


pwidth = 24
pheight = 24

src << "Use the arrow keys to move and the space bar to jump."

// The background proc just creates the background image, it doesn't
// make it displayed. We have to store the return value (which is a
// datum of type /Background) and call its show() proc to make it shown.
my_background = background('background.png', REPEAT_X + REPEAT_Y)

// This will make the background be displayed. You can call the hide()
// proc later to hide it. You can create many backgrounds and have them
// all shown at the same time.

camera.lag = 0

// This proc is automatically called each tick to give you
// a chance to set the px and py of each background object.

// The background object isn't an atom, but it has px and py vars.
// These vars set it's position relative to the center of the player's
// screen. We set their values based on the player's position so the
// background scrolls as you move.
my_background.px = -px * 1.2 = -py * 1.2
Problem solved.
if(owner && owner.client)
owner.client.images += image
owner.backgrounds += src
In response to Flame Guardian
Flame Guardian wrote:
Problem solved.
>   proc
> show()
> if(owner && owner.client)
> owner.client.images += image
> owner.backgrounds += src
> image.layer=1

sorry i am not much of online yes tht was the thing i wanted to say
Thanks Tarundbz. <3

Edit: You were there for me when no one else was bro.