Naruto: Way Of The Shinobi

by Axerob
Naruto: Way Of The Shinobi
4.0 in progress.
BYOND Version:507
Operating System:Windows 8 Pro 64-bit
Web Browser:Chrome 42.0.2311.135
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.

Fix Kage Wars. Make teammates in ctf unattackable. Make the person holding flag not able to rest. Give palms universal Cooldown cuz they can use other jutsus and etc while palms is active. Fix Shousen for medics it doesn't work at all. Fix Ranshinsho for medics after its used you cant use any medical techniques or jutsus. Make gaaras unable to rest in shield. Fix kitty mission. Level does not update when throwing weapons til you hit a log get hit or perform a jutsu.
When I use chakra kyuujin it'll drain 25k from someone but they person doesn't lose 25k chakra. If possible when the enemy doesn't have chakra can you make it to where it trains health or stamina?
When a Akimichi uses pill his melee hits over 1 million Jutsus are not locked in meat tank. Throwing isn't locked in Tuusga. Haku Homing Senbon stops after 5 tiles. Give Tajuu Kage Bunshin a delay.