I got lost....a lot... I missed math too =p

I probably walked 50 miles -_-

I miss middle school =(

ooh yea, I got homework...>_>
Freshman losar.
LOL my first year to only people thought i was a sophmore.
Homework after the first day of school sucks balls

I HATE HOMEWORK. wish they would make it illegal
ES4, some people in third world countries would do anything to have their child, or even themselves, come here in pursuit of a better life by being sent to school and doing homework.

Its a shame some of us take these things for granted.
well excuse me for my negative attiude
whats homework i never have any
lucky you
no im smart
Haik, your a loser, getting lost in a school. WATA FAILURE!
Ive gotten lost before and i bet you have too Shizno9
Are you guys all like, 11?
Yes Haik, you are a Freshman 'Losar'. =P
Stupid freshmen