(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
Hi, i see a Byond maker is making a HTML 5 client, that mean, we will be able to play byond games on mobile systems (android,windows phone, and etc) ?
Or maybe right now it"s possibly to run byond on mobile devices?
Best response
The webclient is mobile-friendly, yes. It works on newer iPads (it was tested on iOS 7 and above) and it should work on other newish mobile browsers, though on Android I'd recommend using something besides the default Android browser.
Right now it's possible to run webclient-enabled servers on mobile devices through browsers that support HTML5.

If developers wanted to, they can build their own Android/Windows/Apple app that will contain the embedded webclient object and make the game a standalone app if they wanted to.

Hence the "<iframe src = "

In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
The webclient is mobile-friendly, yes. It works on newer iPads (it was tested on iOS 7 and above) and it should work on other newish mobile browsers, though on Android I'd recommend using something besides the default Android browser.

If you are using Android browser, you really need to not. Chrome mobile is absolutely incredible. It lacks very few features that the desktop version supports.
I"M glad to hear that, byond has improve alot since 2004 year.
hmm, i just usally use firefox - it got a good support of HTML5. ( do somone use android browser :O, that scary).

So right now theres no way to run byond as a standalone game without it being hosted on mobile devices?
In response to Darker Emerald
Darker Emerald wrote:
So right now theres no way to run byond as a standalone game without it being hosted on mobile devices?

If the mobile device can run Linux, then in theory it could host a game. But otherwise no. There is no BYOND server port to mobile devices, which I don't think is feasible.
Ah! thats a shame, Could have totally used byond to make some applications and run them off a site or something.
There's multiple ways to install Linux on Android Phones/Tablets and setup dual-boot to have Linux and Android.

I'm not going to attempt on my S4 but I might try this on a cheap China-brand tablet I have laying around.
Linux can easy handle ARM CPU, if android got rooted, u can easy install some linux distro. Also if u phone/tablet is strong, u can use virutals machines :P
i has never try it before, but it should work (it"s still some risik, u can break u device, i got one rooted phone with android, but it"s soo weak to even run linux with no lags - 256 RAM and 700Mhz CPU, so i got no device to try installing linux, but maybe in future... i gonna test it :P.
In response to Doniu
BYOND itself isn't compiled for ARM though.
hmm, soo if i got a linux on ARM, byond can"t run, or it will lag ?
In response to Doniu
It won't run at all.
In response to Doniu
You can install a form of Windows 8 RT for x86-based tablets but it's really not worth it if it's not a name-brand Intel or AMD because there's virtually no support anywhere for knock-off brand tablets. Intel and AMD use the x86 architecture, they would be the closest thing besides a virtual machine. ARM architecture cannot run Windows. Unless you're lucky or have dough, and not baking bread dough, then you'll have to snag a tablet with at least 1 GB RAM to run a Windows 8 RT with a dual to quad core of at least 1.0 GHz. If you go this route, just root the device and increase the swap partition of the device to something like 3GB (if your device has at least 5GB internal storage) and use your SD Card for storage.

Otherwise, there's no point of it. Find a cheapo server from Craigslist or Amazon for $20 - 40 and host games on that and then use the tablet to play in the webclient.
BYOND won't run on Windows 8 RT, it's not a true version of Windows.
" ARM architecture cannot run Windows."

It most certainly runs on my Raspberry Pi 2, at least Windows 10. I'm one of the beta testers.