Whats your opinion when you start going out with a girl or guy. Do they have to look good or do you take it as an added bonus?

When I go out with somone I genrally try and find somone nice, and then I go by looks.
Well, I'm very picky about who I date. I won't say I don't consider good looks a definite plus factor, but it's not top priority either. I have a lot of good-looking friends, and none of them I would date. Usually, it's about what they like, how intelligent they are, artistic or creative talents, their sense of humor, sense of adventure, how they act and whether or not we share an interest in each other. Looks are great and all, but they don't last.

In response to Xooxer
I don't date at all, I don't like any women in this town; Mainly because they are all gold diggers, and ugly. :/

Besides, i have someone and usually ALWAYS do. I'm never single :|...
In response to Kaga-Kami
Kaga-Kami wrote:
I don't date at all
I'm never single

Um, what? You're married? Because if you're not married, and you're not single, you're dating someone. Unless it's just a quick romp in the sack and you both go your seperate ways, but that's being single.

In response to Xooxer
Xooxer wrote:
I have a lot of good-looking friends,

I know I'm good-looking, thanks, Drew! =P

Seriously, though -- looks aren't everything, if you're only in it for the looks you'll find your experience to be worthless in the end. I myself try to find people that I can hold a conversation with, if I can talk to a girl for hours I know that girl would be fun to be with for prolonged amounts of time.
In response to Nadrew
Pfft, personality is the only factor I look for. Who cares about how you look?
You should never ask this question, especially to a group of people. Reason being: people have their own opinions. Some may be shallow, some might not. You are better off going by your own instinct, but if you really want to know, well:

Most people date the best looking (or should I say hottest) girl while they are in high school/college. Personality plays a small part here for most. This is just having fun. As you get older, you go more for the personality, and the respect they have towards you. You obviously will not be marrying the person you go out with in high school, so why not have fun (one out of a million [possibly higher] marry their high school sweethearts, but who the hell would want to do that?).
I'm shallow as hell -- as I can be, because I'm a moderately intelligent person, and when it comes to women, tend to say the right thing... But I will start to hate myself if I A) Don't date a girl I am attracted to just because of how she looks, or B) Date a girl who is a mental vacuum, but is exceptionally attractive. Sometimes, you just have to take it as it is given... As for the priority of looks, they are up there, but I do scrutinize based upon other categories, though sometimes it can be the deciding factor.
In response to Ter13
I'm going to marry Anna Kournikova.
In response to Xooxer
Xooxer wrote:
Looks are great and all, but they don't last.

Personality changes overtime aswell.
You can't pick or choose if your going to like personality or looks more. It's natural, and different with everyone.

If you seem shallow right now, and you don't care much about personality, if you are thinking about serious relationships with people, that isn't going to change unless you try/fail and you don't like that anymore. The way you like people isn't controllable. Go with what you like, just don't deny other people a chance because they seem like they don't have what your mainly looking for.

If your shallow, the only way you are going to have fun dating, is if girls really tend to like you (You look good to them, in other words, so you'll get a lot of what we call "interviews".). Otherwise, even if you get one of those "perfect" looking girls, it'll be a nightmare to be with her.
In response to Xangelicirex
Xangelicirex wrote:
Xooxer wrote:
Looks are great and all, but they don't last.

Personality changes overtime aswell.

But they don't get wrinkles.
I guess I'm the only one who has looks as "must have." It's what draws me to a girl. Personality is also a "must have" though. I aproach girls who look attractive, if they seem like a person I want to be with after talking to them, then I pursue... then comes rejection. =P
I am always attracted to a girls looks...BUT I will not go out with a girl just because of it, she has to have a good personality.
In response to YMIHere
Your not alone. It shouldn't be characterized by "Looks," but instead, attractiveness to you. What is attractive to one person may not be to another. I personally go wild for red-heads (like my current girlfriend), and I think blond hair is just bland and unattractive.

Looks are a must have for me, as well as personality. Although, not all people have my taste in "looks." I'm not as shallow as a lot of my friends are, and I consider the girls they actually like pretty disgusting (Not only are they sometimes not very good looking, but they have repulsive personalities, and some personalities I find more unattractive than bad looks.)... I'm not as "Shallow" because I don't like stereotypical "good looking" girls... I like girls who are good looking, but don't fit the stereotype.
In response to Kunark
Kunark wrote:
Your not alone. It shouldn't be characterized by "Looks," but instead, attractiveness to you. What is attractive to one person may not be to another. I personally go wild for red-heads (like my current girlfriend), and I think blond hair is just bland and unattractive.

True, I have a massive thing for red hair, and my ex (who didn't have red hair) isn't technically that pretty, even my friends say so, but I find her weirdly erotic and incredibly good looking.
Weird... I was just talking to my girlfriend and her friends about this...

To me, looks count, but not a lot. On a scale of countage(heh) 1-10 probably a... 2 or 3.

I agree with what kunark and Elation said a bit down. it's more of what you find attractive, though. None of my friends find my girlfriend attractive at all...
In response to Nadrew
Xooxer wrote:
I have a lot of good-looking friends,

Like me! :p