Got banned for finding Zasif teleporting into the HBTC lel
In response to Kumorii
Kumorii wrote:
Since when are single player games considered lesser than multiplayer games? That's just bigotry. Yutty Putty has released more quality games(by BYOND standards) than nearly anyone on the site so turn off your float verbs and come back down to reality.

don't think I ever played or got hooked on a game of his, if there was ever one made

Epic: Legend(unfinished, I know, but still is more fun than most RPGs we have)
Epic Origin (Yanno, the only MOBA BYOND has/d)
Footrace for the Holy Grail (which I remember being quite popular for awhile)
Lord of the Bugs

And that's just listing the multiplayer games out of his 24. I'm not trying to silver knight, but at least give respect where its due.

What's the point of having many games if they quickly die? Lose time developing a game which won't get players after few months sounds quite stupid. Then claim $5 for a "game" that was going to be multiplayer, but which presented 0 live servers. Sure, let's do the same on every game and we'll laugh.

As I stated before, Yut Put games are only "good" for a reduced group, and they don't attract any person to play them as they seem quite boring. To play something like that you can go to another site that'll have more variety, and with better gameplay.
In response to ArmitxeX
So were all of those Call of Duty games before the current one stupid to bother with? If you haven't noticed, BYOND only draws anime gamers en mass. The only original games we have that draw continuous players are SS13 and NEStalgia which have fame and Steam to their benefit respectively.

You could also consider the possibility that Yutty just has a passion for what he does. Maybe he just enjoys bringing a world to life - not attracting hundreds of players. Try making your own original game that isn't hemorrhaging players from a known IP and see how you fare in comparison.
In response to ArmitxeX
What Yut Put's games showcase is a distinct lack of pandering to a niche audience of bag punchers. His games are more about setting a precedence of quality than the supersaturation of anime fan-games. He doesn't write games to make money, he does it because he's good at it and he likes doing it. He writes a project and moves on, like any sensible indie game developer. He doesn't keep himself tied down to one particular game, trying desperately to update it daily when, in the end, it will always be crap. Except for Epic: Legend. He did update that one quite frequently, but he was updating a good game.

Good + good = better. Crap + good = less smelly crap?
stop calling him YUTTY, his name is Butt Butt, pronounce it properly damnit
In response to EmpirezTeam
He shall always be my Yutty Putty. Ever since we were banned for rping hardcore anal back when blogs were a thing.
why everyone coming at yut put doe lol i know he fired the first shots lets squash the crips(Zete) and Bloods(yut putt) beef and come together to create fun shit.
lmao Shut up south...
In response to Southend_boi
Come back to us young one :D

-On topic: This thread is gold. Not only the back and forth shots but the shitty game that is exactly the same as all the other rips pretending to be different lol

P.S: Thanks again zasif for collecting our players ahead of time :)

I love this place.
... Honestly, whether or not a game is trash or good, If it brings players, and keeps players

Whatever you have to say barely matters.

In response to HaxRp
HaxRp wrote:
... Honestly, whether or not a game is trash or good, If it brings players, and keeps players

Whatever you have to say barely matters.

Lol, it doesn't, though. There might be literally 8 to 12 active players on at a time. The other 130+ are just AFK, leaving the window running while they train their stats to infinity. Is that really the kind of game you want setting an example for new games?
In response to Kats
Of course not. But what has Epic brought? I put effort on understanding the different arguments, but I find it quite pointless to say: "It's one of the few games made on BYOND that actually tried to be unique", because that's bullshit.

First of all, Yut Put was probably the first guy who asked for money before letting people play his game (yeah, there are many games with subscriptions, but at least you get to test the game first on BYOND). Nevertheless, with Epic it wasn't the same, and that felt like a huge scam.

If he had wanted to be unique, he would have been unique, but making sure that his "new ideas" would be attractive. A dungeon game? A racing game? Please tell me, how is that original? It's just imitating -successful games- that haven't been made on BYOND. But that doesn't make his games any better.

And yes, you could say that most (or all) anime games are bad on BYOND, but at least you get to have some fun from time to time (not all of them include AFK Training). Nevertheless, they are still not good games, but if I had to compare, I would say some are still better than Yut Put's creations.

Now back to the topic, I consider Dragon Ki one of the worst RIPs I have ever seen, and in this case it's much worse than Yut Put's games. I hate how a lot of players lose their game on such an awful game
In response to ArmitxeX
Do it better, then.
Thread is cancer.
In response to Ter13
You're cancer.
You're cancer.

I'm a Pisces.
In response to ArmitxeX
A racing game that stands by itself on BYOND.
An RPG that stands among three other original IP RPGs on BYOND.

Those you deem "unoriginal", yet you defend the most carbon copied games we have. You don't have to start grasping at straws. You have your opinion and everybody else has there's. He's made a name for himself that extends outside of the community a little and I've never heard of you before this thread. What does that say?

I tip my king in forfeit. This thread is a stalemate.

Edit: I too am a Pisces. (Y)
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
You're cancer.

I'm a Pisces.

I'm a
I'm a pisces too...woo hoo derpy derp
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