Deadron wrote:
Kunark wrote:
Well, I updated it again and made the fonts better looking, after looking at Arial and copying it... DMIFont's font is too small :P

The good news is that you can do any font and any font size you want with DmiFonts: There is a java app inside the directory you can run to output whatever fonts you have available on your machine. I typically do a bold 10 point Arial myself.

For Haven, it's all about Times New Roman. It's clean, it's a serif font (no tricky I's and L's!), and it's modern, though still classy enough to fit into a pre-modern atmosphere.

The technique I use to make black text on the parchment-coloured background is to take a 32x32 chunk of the parchment, and blur/convolve it until it seems to be one solid colour. Then I take the eyedropper/colour picker and smack, my parchment colour is 231,191,133.

So, I create a copy of the file that DmiFonts has already generated, then paste the parchment colour over top of every icon state in it.

Then, I use the following code:

var/icon/parchment_file = icon('parchment_states.dmi')
parchment_file.Blend('TimesNewRomanBoldItalic_12pt_AA4.dmi', ICON_SUBTRACT)
usr << ftp(parchment_file)

...and voila! I now have black anti-aliased text that blends almost perfectly with the parchment background.