So i've been working on this
Just a WIP obvously, but I just can't figure out the shading and something about it just looks off... help me out.

There ya go. Can't give you much critique on the art side though!
In response to Ganite
Okay, thanks man though.
Alright I will check that out didn't think about it that way.
How to post images
zz Lets see now. First I think y'should redo the shape or at least smoothen it out or something. Shape it up then add shadows or something, I usually make things simple so don't worry too much about details. Secondly since this seems like a blast of some kind add some force into it or something to make it seem like it's moving forward idk. I'm bad at explaining shit but I made some mocks to show you how to go about this.

PS: it's not finished, i just wanted to show you how to go about this. If anything tho just wait for Southend to get on he knows more about these stuff since it seems like naruto anyways.
Okay wow man thanks that helped, I like your edit a lot. I will try to take a direction more along those lines.