As some of you know I just moved, I'm at the public library using the computer right now, but it will be the last time for a week, I'll probably be offline for the mostpart, but I should be getting my own internet service shortly.
I should be getting my own internet service shortly.

Wow! How much do you charge monthly? And, do you provide T1 line services?

(I'm a little snooty this morning, apparently... had a very erratic night's sleep (if an hour can be considered sleep).)
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
I should be getting my own internet service shortly.

Wow! How much do you charge monthly? And, do you provide T1 line services?

For you, my friend. Two-million a month. It's a rusty old 14k modem, with a blazing fast .001 mhz processor, and a large 10 kb hard-drive, all yours for that low low price!