Mano A Mano

by Flick
Mano A Mano
Knights, archers, and wizards in a free for all battle to the death.

One of my favorites, the Druid's Swarm spell. :) They still bleed out of their assigned hexes a bit, but looks pretty good.
[insert thumbs up here] Keep it up Flick!

The bleeding looks good imo. Makes the swarm look more chaotic and freed, contrasted against the hexes' rigidity.
Keep the bleeding, it looks awesome
Yes... excellent.

I think I'm going to have to switch from using animate to just generating an icon to overlay for the swarm. There is quite a cpu spike on generation, and when unpooling them all...

I've still got a bit of work to do on the entangling vines. I want to send a couple of vines out spinning in different directions and have them meet on their target.
New version of the Druid's Swarm attack using an icon generated with PartIcons

I think it looks good, and doesn't have anywhere near the cpu hit the animated bugs did.
Maybe make the bugs a little smaller.