But I play one on TV.
Hmmm... I'll have to check the local listings.... What's the name of the show? hee hee hee...
Lies, lies i tell you. I even have proof! <looks> hrmm i must have misplaced it.

Why else would my bagel have gotten burnt this morning?! That evil hacker Lexy must have hacked it!

In response to AbyssDragon
Strange.. my toaster was GONE! *dum dum duummmm!*
In response to AbyssDragon
AbyssDragon wrote:
Why else would my bagel have gotten burnt this morning?! That evil hacker Lexy must have hacked it!


Actually, I had that same problem too. Turned out it was a driver issue--there's an update patch for the bagel driver you can download on the website.
In response to Leftley
Actually, I had that same problem too. Turned out it was a driver issue--there's an update patch for the bagel driver you can download on the website.

Ack you didn't buy the Microsoft toster too did you?
In response to Theodis
Theodis wrote:
Actually, I had that same problem too. Turned out it was a driver issue--there's an update patch for the bagel driver you can download on the website.

Ack you didn't buy the Microsoft toster too did you?

I thought about getting a Mac, but there isn't a port available for the type of bread I like.
In response to Xooxer
Lexy The Hacker....6/7 central. On NBC. Great show Lexy!
In response to The Wizard of How


In response to SSJ4_Sanatic Bardock
Um..... what?