
by Flick
Generate particle effects as icons
Applies to:
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
1) **Done** Crop to selection - Allow you to click and drag a selection to crop an icon to after generating it.

2) **Done** Change the way shift_color works to allow for negative values. Right now, it is additive only. (Now takes three vars, shift_red, shift_green, shift_blue which can be set from -255 to 255)

3) Fix stretching.

4) **Done** Autocropping to useful area

5) Allow emitters to generate more than one type of particle

6) Possibly shunt the icon work off to Javascript or a .dll? (Long term...)

7) Fix scale/size? Looks to be a bit broken.

8) **Done** Get rid of the forms and setup a proper interface.

9) Look into generating stationary icons (trees/bushes/etc)