
by AERProductions
Construct your lineage in a living world.
Pondera's First Public Demo:

The first public Demo of basic PVE in Pondera.
Serves as an example of Alpha state game-play.

Demo Highlights:
  • Start a Fire:
    Find the Flint and Pyrite on the ground, equip them and locate the kindling. Utilize your commands to add the kindling to the fire and Ignite a Novice Fire.
  • Kill some stuff:
    Using Macro or Mouse, equip the Longsword and start slaying enemies by clicking on them!
  • Always Carry Water:
    Equip the Jar and locate a water source. Utilize your commands to Fill the Jar.
  • Explore Everything:
    Always check the environment. It can be both beneficial and detrimental; It is key to know the difference with just a glance.
  • Stance Positions:
    While fighting, don't forget to utilize the Stance Macros (V, C, X) to get creative with your movements! Strafing is incredibly beneficial while fighting.
  • Macros:
    Ctrl+MWheel is Zoom, Ctrl+E is Quick Equip/Unequip, Ctrl+G is Quick-Get.
    ARROW or WASD keys to walk, click to sprint, use, or attack.
    V is Sprint mode, C is Strafe mode, X is Hold Position
  • For more details on the Public Demo, please visit the Hub, located here:
    Pondera Simple PVE Demo