Keywords: ruin, sourcecode, updates
I've made a minor update to Ruin, including the latest version of my map generator - it now draws more then rectangular rooms. Not much more, admittedly, but it's better then nothing, right?

Also, the game now has a POINT to it! What you say? Upon level 100, you may find a dastardly enemy - the Liche himself! He carries the fabled Golden Sword, a treasured artifact that you wish to retrieve. Slaying the Liche, taking the sword, and exiting level 1 (Upwards stairs appear their once you have the sword) causes you to win the game. WARNING - THIS WILL DELETE YOUR CHARACTER FILE, SO IF YOU WANT TO HAVE THEM WIN AND KEEP THE CHARACTER, THEN COPY YOUR SAVEFILE OUT OF THE DIRECTORY BEFOREHAND.

Levels will still be generated past dlevel 100, so you can just play it as an open-ended dungeon crawler if you so desire.

Additionally, a second announcement - I'm sure you've noticed me mentioning some sort of code releasy thing. I've often felt that letting people play with the code of games they like is always a good thing, and it's not like I'm getting any money from it, right? Plus, I really don't care if people base their own game on my source, even if they don't give credit where credit is due. Plus, I think the BYONDers likely to play with the source code of Ruin are hardly the type to not give credit, intellectual bunch that they are. ;)

So, I'm releasing the code of this version of Ruin - version 15, BYOND-wise, version 1.35, Ruin-wise. I will be releasing the source code for each new version as I finish it. Do with it as you will - on these two conditions:

- If you make anything consisting primarily of code from Ruin, please release the source for that product as well, under these terms.
- Please give credit where credit is due.

Beyond that, you're free to go and write a completely new game on top of the current source code for Ruin. I do warn you, though: In places, it is quite messy. There are several areas of code that could quite likely be done far, far better then they are now, and there are some unused procedures and icons in the package. Also, there are barely any comments throughout all of it - so you'll have to figure out what various pieces of code do by observation. If you can't figure it out, drop me a line and I'll see if I can help you out.

The releasing-source-code aspect only applies to code, by the way. If, for some insane reason, you feel compelled to use my icons, you are entirely free to do so without releasing any of your code or icons, regardless of how much of my icons you use. I don't exactly value my icons highly, you see. :P

Finally, if you think you've fixed an important bug, made a cool modification, or produced better icons then are currently provided, and you would like to see that bug fix/feature/set of icons appear in the 'official' release of Ruin, drop me a line and I'll see what I think. I will, of course, give due credit.

Have fun! The source code package can be found here

EDIT: I've just discovered that under some circumstances, Dreammaker doesn't include the library Ruin needs. If it's not compiling, and throwing errors about an undefined "/room" type, then you'll want to grab MapGenerator and include it in the Ruin package.
Oh man, you just ruined the surprise...
Elation wrote:
Oh man, you just ruined the surprise...

Horrible Pun. =\

Anyway, I'll think about this. The isometric engine is intriguing. =)
You have just killed my eyes with that blog post. I demand money for the funeral.
loading Ruin.dme proc type path type path type path type path

Ruin.dmb - 5 errors, 0 warnings (double-click on an error to jump to it)

It doesn't compile!
Nice! Though it seems a bit much to have a final boss and not have any in the 99 levels before him :P

And I love you Elation.
You think that just because I released Hex's source and one the Game of the Year contest, I got a better position.

Interesting, Elly. That's because you're not including my randmap library - I thought Dreammaker handled including of libraries required by default... Ah well.

Anyway, you'll have to grab the latest version of MapGenerator, too, and include it. I'll throw that in the blog post.

Yes, Ben, you make me horribly horribly jealous. Bastard. :P

But we'll see who gets what in the GIAD contest. :)
I am working on a mod of Ruin that uses textured graphics.