Applies to:BYOND Pager
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Using Windows 10, I have the BYOND Pager in my taskbar in the lower right corner of my screen, as a small icon, right next to my Steam icon. I set up the BYOND Pager to load every time I start up Windows, as well, so the icon is always there and connected. When clicking on the BYOND Pager icon on the taskbar, I noticed that with a single left click on the icon, nothing happens, but with a double click, the full BYOND Pager opens, or with a right click a few options appear. I suggest making the options appear with either a single left click or a single right click, and the addition of a few shortcuts that appear when single-clicking on the BYOND pager icon on the taskbar.

The reason these two changes to the pager go together as a single suggestion is because it makes more sense to make either a left click or a right click open the pager's menu only when there are more shortcuts available. This would also decrease confusion for people like me who have Steam in their taskbar, too, and notice that a single left click of the Steam icon brings up a shortcuts menu, whereas a single left click on the BYOND icon has no effect. Additionally, there could be a few shortcuts added to the pager's small menu, giving the menu more functionality. This way, the pager icon would be more interactive and more functional.

This could function as follows: Double clicking opens the pager's larger window as normal. A single left click or a single right click will open the small window with a few options. The window would stay open as long as no further click was made, but if clicking anywhere outside of the window, the window would close (which is the same as how it currently functions). However, if clicking anywhere within the window, the window would both close and launch whatever shortcut was clicked. For example, there could be a list of the five most recent games played, and clicking on one of those games would be the same as clicking "Replay the last game you played" within the BYOND pager.

Shortcuts might include:
- Open BYOND (same as current option).
- Status (same as current option).
- 5 most recent games played: replay shortcuts.
- Dream Daemon.
- Dream Maker (my personal favorite!).
- Friends list.
- Feed.
- Manage Account.
- Exit (same as current option).

As a bonus, it would be cool if the shortcut list fit the BYOND pager color scheme of blue and black. It would also be cool if some of the options were sectioned off with a small line.
BYOND (from my memory) did have more options in the context menu before. I'd like to see those return. (assuming I wasn't always imagining those things anyways)
I don't see the harm of adding more options or letting a left click work the same as a right click. I'll keep this open and take a look.
Thanks for considering this, Lummox. I appreciate your work. I've been enjoying seeing all the new features added while I've been gone and what the community has done with them lately.