Okay, first up and let me say I have hosted things many times- I understand port forwarding, and have done it-- it says the port is open.
Basically, my friends try connecting to my server, it says they did in dream daemon-- then after some seconds (usually 20, but sometimes 50-51, and sometimes a bit above a minute) they disconnect. They said they never see the game- during the ad time or w/e, or before it loads up. I can connect to it fine.
A few notes: I got it working once when I let my friend connect first, but they soon disconnected after I loaded in-- and another time we both got in, and random d/cs left and right.
My router was reset to factory default, I Rebooted several times.
I did recently change some settings on my comp to make it run better-- so I was wondering-- would any settings in internet options, or any disabled services cause this? If so, which ones do I need to change or re-enable?
I am currently on 64bit windows 10. I tried reversing a bunch of them, but still no good. --- also are there any KNOWN incompotable programs that could cause this?
![]() Oct 23 2016, 8:30 pm
I'm not sure what could cause something like this, but I guess the question is: what services did you disable, and what settings did you change?
The only known-for-sure incompatible program is Avast, because it was throwing false positives for a while, but I haven't heard any reports of it having trouble in some time. (That said, Avast is dead to me. I don't trust it anymore.) |
Well, as far as services, and things I changed- I admit I followed a guide- I should of done more resaerch on wHAT they did, but I can try to compile a list here.
Services disabled were: Windows Search (This will disable Windows Search TOO, keep it if you use it) All Xbox Services All Hyper-V services Microsoft SMS router service Diagnostics tracking service Fax service dmwappushsvc All Sensor Services Superfetch But I have re-enabled all but superfetch, SMS Router Service, and Hyper-V. As far as other changes, I updated drivers to the newest (Realtek network card), I also utilized Spybot Antibeacon (Which I undid, and that didn't fix it sadly), as well as utilized TCP Optimizer with these settings: http://i.imgur.com/htFN03a.png http://i.imgur.com/tQmvcJN.png Which I also undid, with no luck on fixing this. If I'm to be frank, the only reason I assume these settings are what caused it is because it's the only thing I've changed on my computer in a month, and I know noone has touched the router outside to reboot it. I also apologize- I know this is likely more on my end than byond's, I am just unsure how to resolve this-- this thing I host with my friends is one of few things I can do with a few of them consistantly lately, and I am worried I wont be able to fix this- I feel like I've done everything short of outright reformatting my computer. Edit!: Furthermore, I have noticed it tends to be around 20 seconds most often. 19, 20, or 21- usually 20 exactly. It's like something is telling it to only try for 20 seconds. Recently, my friend got an ad-- and THEN it d/ced, that time they had 40 seconds. Edit 2!: It is acting like there is a firewall, but my router has it off, as does my computer- it's refusing the connection as soon as it starts (around when ad kicks in, usually at 20) |
Okay, update! And yes, I know there's editing- this seemed major though, I didn't want to chance it being missed.
I tested hosting with two diffent games on Steam, using different ports- both hosted fine and my friend joined/we fiddled about a little with no issues- as of yet, BYOND is the only program showing problems with this now, if that helps. Perhaps internet explorer settings maybe? It can't be my firewall, since I've tested with it turned off as well-- port is infact open, byond sees the service and such in dream daemon and it can be reached. I'll try testing more to see if any other programs show similar behavior. |
I'll take a peek around- I didn't change any myself, though, maybe a program I used did. I'll try to just turn all the security settings down since I don't use IE anyways, just for the sake of seeing if it fixes this. Whatever is going on, it acts an awful lot like a firewall does when on, outside it does seem to aknowledge something connected in dream daemon- it just boots them immedietely.
I noticed on latest byond versions (I had an older one, apparently) that its 0 seconds always, not 20 or so on. It seems like as soon as the connection starts, it's ended. Even stranger, I see them in the player list I have in-game, and despite being there for way more than 0 seconds, it says 0 in dream daemon? |
Be sure to get some screenshots/copies of your IE settings before you change anything.
Sadly none of this fixed anything. I backed up the settings on my IE, they were just about default anyways.
I am trying to use a static IP now, but byond has no option to utilize the domain name rather than my ip, it seems, so my re-direct workaround I used with another program doesn't work here. Edit: as note, its not a true static IP- with xmage I use no-ip/DUC IP rerouter to reroute the free domain aselliaxmage.hopto.org to myself, and then in my hosts put it to my local ip on router-- then i just set the port to open, and set the hosted IP to aselliaxmage.hopto.org the problem is I can't change the hosted ip with byond, seemingly- I'm not sure if that's needed, I just know I am still getting the same issue. All my friends say same thing: the window goes blank/black almost instantly. Once in blue moon an ad starts, and then its blank or disconnects midway through ad. |
More than that, I disabled my firewall, and instead of just hanging at connecting it says connection failed-- and then plays an ad anyways (That may be unrelated, though.)
I even uninstalled my antivirus, I don't know what's keeping this from working- the port is opened. Opened the same way I always open it, says it can reach hub-- I am at a loss here.