DM now supports a raw string format, starting with the @ character. There are three formats: @"..." which cannot include newlines, @{"..."} which can, and @(XYZ)...XYZ (where XYZ can be almost anything) which is the same. Raw strings will not parse backslash escapes, or embedded [] expressions. These are very useful for creating regular expressions.
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (512.1386)

This issue has been resolved.
in C#, the @ operator lets you have a string where it ignores escape characters like \ and some other shit, I think.

This would be helpful when building regex strings, file paths, and so on.


var/x = @"\your\regex\here" looks better without double backslashes

think they call it a "verbatim string literal"
I still want more escape codes speaking of escapes.
+1 from me

Escaping square brackets in byond regex is hilarious. You gotta triple escape that shit. \\\[foo
Dart has something similar: the r"..." operator for a raw string. I like the idea of something like this. I'll just have to give some thought to how it'd go in.
one idea could be to expand on the string document syntax,

{"this ignores new lines and double quotes"}
{{"this ignores new lines, double quotes, escape characters"}}
In response to Super Saiyan X
Super Saiyan X wrote:
one idea could be to expand on the string document syntax,

{"this ignores new lines and double quotes"}
> {{"this ignores new lines, double quotes, escape characters"}}

Not a fan of the double brace for this, mostly just because that's a heck of a lot of braces. I think I'd much prefer r or @, and given how the latter won't screw up any 4Ks, I think I like that better.
I think @ would probably the better option, seeing how
var t = r"dfhjsdhfkjsd"
looks like a typo to me. I like my operators to be things that I wouldn't generally have right there. (plus, @ isn't used for anything else, besides DLL calls, is it?)
In response to Lummox JR
@{"a string with "quoted text",
spans multiple lines,
doesn't allow [string] interpolation,
and doesn't \ escape \ backslashes."}

(pretend [string] isn't made darker)
This is on the list for 512, so I'm just thinking over how it's going to work. I can see a use case for including " in a string like that, so I'm wondering if I should support @"..." and @{"..."}, and maybe for good measure it would be a good idea to allow for an arbitrary delimiter, like @|...| or @(delim)...delim. Lack of escapes means this should be chosen carefully.
In response to Lummox JR
I like @(arbitrary delimiter)actual string here(arbitrary delimiter). I'm not sure if the parentheses around the closing string are necessary, but I think it looks a tiny bit cleaner.
There was more to implementing this than I thought, but it's done. There are three formats:

// simple; no newlines
@"The delimiter can be almost any character, not just a quote."

@{"This is like the "doc" string format in BYOND, but raw. A single leading and/or trailing newline is ignored."}

@(XYZ)Choose your delimiter!XYZ

I have changes ready to go for prettyref.js, the site, and also the editor in DM. (Gads was the editor a pain.)

One nice thing that falls out of this is improved strings in .dms files--but they won't be recognized by pre-512 clients.

I've also modified the regex documentation to suggest using raw strings, since they're easier to write than trying to worry about escaping everything.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
DM now supports a raw string format, starting with the @ character. There are three formats: @"..." which cannot include newlines, @{"..."} which can, and @(XYZ)...XYZ (where XYZ can be almost anything) which is the same. Raw strings will not parse backslash escapes, or embedded [] expressions. These are very useful for creating regular expressions.