- Bosses: Okay so the bosses heal themselves every so often but when there isn't many people on it's impossible to kill a boss unless you're a RIDICULOUSLY higher level than the boss & can pretty much kill it in a few hits, both myself and Renkon spent about an hour trying to kill Zarbon yesterday and he spammed the living hell out of making Henchman causing a ridiculous amount of CPU (which I'll get to complaining about in a moment) causing the game to lag to high heavens and also making it boarderline impossible to kill the boss after we've killed it the first time. This issue could be resolved simply by making the cooldown on the NPC healing itself a considerable amount longer or even setting up a system so that if you don't attack the NPC for say 5 seconds he "charges" up and heals himself, the CPU problem from the spam could easily be sorted by making it only summon 1 set of henchman per death, so before you've killed him he's at his weakest and he summons a say 8 henchman, if the boss dies the henchman also die but when he comes back to he can bring out another set of henchman but reducing how many are summoned but increasing their level? in my opinion this would not only fix a fair few issues but it'd make it a bit more fun.
- CPU Usage: Okay so I've taken a notice that the CPU usage even after a reboot can easily hit 100 - 300, shortly after a reboot when there are no objects being created on the map that aren't already in the DMM file the CPU will be around 10 and sometimes spike to 40 but this is like no lag at all, once the server gets onto about 30 - 45 mins in and people are spamming attacks, fighting mobs, the day and night system OMG THE DAY AND NIGHT SYSTEM, all spam creating a ton of objects onto the map and causing the cpu usage to fly up considerably, I'm not exactly 100% sure on a solution for this but I feel like possibly something should be done about the spamming of objects being made.
- Remove the Cooler race or fix it pls.
I will write more on the bottom of this as I play more & find out more about the game, I'll also try and come up with some suggestions to maybe increase player base & the variety of things you have in game, I do enjoy the game quite a fair bit so things like really bad lag and literally impossible bosses leave a sour taste in my mouth. Honestly I think this games the best DB inspired game BYOND has as it's more original and I'd love to see more things be added and for the game to run a lot smoother.
![]() Dec 8 2016, 11:17 am
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