Applies to:Dream Maker
Status: Open

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can we get better error reporting because it really is annoying when its reporting errors that have nothing to do with the actual error Ex: blah blah is a undefined proc when the actual problem was a miss " or ' on some text related thing. And it makes it really hard to tell or find what is actually wrong if you did numerous edits to a code
You'll need to get a lot more specific here.

With compiler errors, though, remember there's only so much the compiler can figure out. When you forget a character like a closing quote or parenthesis, the compiler might not realize it until it gets to the next line. The compiler will always keep chugging away until it realizes it's hit a spot where what it's doing no longer makes any contextual sense, and that's where an error spits out. This is the same for every programming language.
maybe add a feature to also check unchecked files because i found out somehow the error i got was related to a unchecked file which i had no idea how it got unchecked maybe as a addon selectable option for when you compile so it would help narrow down something oblivious you glanced over ?
Listen to what you're asking, though. If I understand correctly, you're saying you got errors as a result of a file not being included in the compilation. How would the compiler possibly be able to know that if it had included a specific file, or 9 specific files, that everything would compile without errors?

It's like asking if you hadn't skipped breakfast, if the day's events would have unfolded so that you won the lottery.

The compiler can't understand the difference between code that isn't included and code that isn't written at all. The nature of the errors should typically point out things like missing vars that would give you, the person who knows the code, an understanding of where to look.