Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Open

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I think PIXEL_SCALE was added after the "normal" zoom-mode for map elements?

Currently, PIXEL_SCALE works the same as the "distort" zoom-mode. I was wondering if it should actually work as the normal mode instead, maybe as an option.

The reason being: the use of plane masters to zoom the map separately from the HUD has been spreading, and PIXEL_SCALE is being used to avoid blurry zooming, but it has re-introduced distorted zooming... and no one uses map element zoom anymore...?
The tricky bit here is that the regular map zoom operates on the assumption that the only transform is a scale operation--and only an upscaling, at that. With transforms that's not a guarantee.

What's required here for pixel perfection--and frankly I want this for rotations as well--is to breakdown the transform matrix. If anything other than an integer upscale is being done, then this has to go in two stages: one a write to a temporary texture that does a "nice" upscale per zoom-mode=normal (or upscales to a higher integer), and then the remainder of the transform--possibly with a smoother sampling method.