Problem description:
I was trying to calculate mob's distance to a certain tile using breadth-first search, but when I click a mob the proccess freezes. Through some further testing I found out that it has something to do with the line which adds the node to the queue list(If all 4 lines are commented out, the code runs fine). I'm unable to see the reason behind that freeze, but I suspect it might be infinite recursion I somehow missed, any ideas?

P.S. the breadth-first search algorithm is adapted from the Forum_Account's region library.

map_size_x = 10
map_size_y = 10

var/map = new /list(map_size_y, map_size_x)

for(var/i = map_size_y, i >= 1, i--)
for(var/j = 1, j <= map_size_x, j++)
if(src.x == j && src.y == i)
map[i][j] = "S"
map[i][j] = -1
usr << "init complete"

//Breadth-first search
var/node/source = new /node //source node
source.loc_x = src.x
source.loc_y = src.y
var/list/visited = list() //Visited nodes
var/list/queue = new/list()//Queue to expand

usr << "preparations complete"

var/node/N = queue[1] //Grab the first node
usr << "first node acquired"
queue.Cut(1, 2)
usr << "queue cut"

if(N.loc_x + 1 <= map_size_x)
var/node/Ne = new /node
Ne.loc_x = N.loc_x + 1
Ne.loc_y = N.loc_y
Ne.dist = N.dist + 1 = "[Ne.loc_x] [Ne.loc_y] [Ne.dist]"
map[Ne.loc_y][Ne.loc_x] = Ne.dist
visited[Ne] = 1
queue += Ne
usr << "eastern neighbour calculated"
if(N.loc_x - 1 >= 1)
var/node/Nw = new /node
Nw.loc_x = N.loc_x - 1
Nw.loc_y = N.loc_y
Nw.dist = N.dist + 1 = "[Nw.loc_x] [Nw.loc_y] [Nw.dist]"
map[Nw.loc_y][Nw.loc_x] = Nw.dist
visited[Nw] = 1
queue += Nw
usr << "western neighbour calculated"
if(N.loc_y + 1 <= map_size_y)
var/node/Nn = new /node
Nn.loc_x = N.loc_x
Nn.loc_y = N.loc_y + 1
Nn.dist = N.dist + 1 = "[Nn.loc_x] [Nn.loc_y] [Nn.dist]"
map[Nn.loc_y][Nn.loc_x] = Nn.dist
visited[Nn] = 1
queue += Nn
usr << "northern neighbour calculated"
if(N.loc_y - 1 >= 1)
var/node/Ns = new /node
Ns.loc_x = N.loc_x
Ns.loc_y = N.loc_y - 1
Ns.dist = N.dist + 1 = "[Ns.loc_x] [Ns.loc_y] [Ns.dist]"
map[Ns.loc_y][Ns.loc_x] = Ns.dist
visited[Ns] = 1
queue += Ns
usr << "southern neighbour calculated"
for(var/node/NN in visited)
usr << "NN=[NN] visited\[NN]=[visited[NN]]"

for(var/i = map_size_y, i >= 1, i--)
var/line = ""
for(var/j = 1, j <= map_size_x, j++)
line += "[A[i][j]] "
usr << line
usr << ""

parent_type = /obj
dist = 0
Definitely an infinite loop. Your nodes are always being detected as unique by your if(!visited) statements because you're checking for the newly made node, not if one already existed there. Your code can also check the same tile multiple times, but the dist value can be different the next time it's checked. To solve both of these I removed dist from the name you generate and used the name as an association. Example: = "[Nn.loc_x] [Nn.loc_y]"
map[Nn.loc_y][Nn.loc_x] = Nn.dist
visited[] = 1
queue += Nn

9 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 3
11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 4
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 5
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 6
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 7
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 8
16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 9
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 10
16 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

That's the result I got standing in the very top right. If that's the result you were looking for, I don't know. My goal was just to solve your freeze problem. :)
In response to Reformist
Thank you! The end result wasn't exactly what I needed, but now that the infinite loop is gone, I managed to get it to what I needed it to be, which is something like this: