Mega Man Galaxy X

by Raenath
Mega Man Galaxy X
Unique action-RPG platform game running at 60 FPS
Build v1.0A

· Added in the Mettaur NPC code (incomplete)
· Adjusted parameters of the movement vars to more feel more like the later X-style of gameplay rather than the style of the original X games
· Updated base icon to X4 version (permanent)
· Added MM state for stage appearance

Build V1.5

· Reworked entire collision system to be more precise / got rid of the BYOND collision system; we can now have custom collision in all cardinal directions (this helps for platforms that we can jump through the bottom but not fall through when standing on them).
NOTE: collision box is not changing on jump / dash, I won't implement that until I have the official icons to save time (no use doing this for a placeholder icon).

· Cleaned up dashing mechanic — works on ledges and jumping + collisions. Removed dashing bug when falling on ledge yet Megaman continues to walk.

· Implemented mass in the physics engine (which affects slipping / force calculations). For now, every object has a mass of 1, this is consistent with the Megaman X games, however if we want unique bosses / objects that have different effects with the environment, we can change the mass of them.

· Implemented Coefficient of Friction in physics engine, you can now have objects, floors, roofs, walls and any PHYSICS object that are slippery / sticky.

· Implemented slipping / sticking mechanic for objects that are slippery / sticky (in-built with the physics engine)

· Fixed dashing, you have a maximum dash time, but just like the original games, if you release the dash button too soon, you will lose your dash. (Requires Feedback, how many frames should a complete dash go for?)

· Improved jumping as it is the in later X games. When dashing and jumping without pressing any horizontal movement, you will jump straight up. When dashing and jumping with pressing the horizontal movement, you will jump in a parabolic arc.

· Implemented wall sliding (Requires feedback for the default freeze length when first wall sliding)

· Implemented wall kicking (Requires feedback for the default jump length)

· Added a few more debug controls.

Plan for V1.5

· Wall Sliding [Complete]
· Wall Jumping [Requires feedback]
· Improved Camera Controls [Zoom in / out + smooth camera movement on edges]
· Extra Debug Controls
· Improved Physics System [Reworked Collisions]

Build V1.4

· Lots of bug fixes with dashing + other mechanics and physics
· Implemented basic wall sliding, I need input, its very buggy right now and I have not implemented dash sliding, I just need some input on how it should work before I continue.
· Implement music but not added in this build due to file size
what happen to the discord lul
aw don't tell us it's canned
this is a buncha potential
It was archived. We still have a Discord server! :)