Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

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As far as I can tell, there is currently no method to arbitrarily query a client's mouse. To retrieve stuff like what atom it's over, its onscreen location, etc.

I know there are push procs we can override to recieve information whenever these change, MouseMove being the most notable one. But the documentation indicates that these are optimised out if not compiled in, and the idea of having a proc called every time someone moves their mouse a single pixel is too much for most servers to want to use it.

We need a way - entirely outside of these procs, to ask for the current parameters of the mouse. These don't even need to be cached on the server, it could send a query to the connected client and return a value asynchronously

There are things we want to do with mousepositions that mousemove is way way way to high a resolution for.

allowing us to query the mouse position on demand would allow us to integrate with our own subsystems and we can proactively increase/decrease call rate based on the state of the world.
Seconding this suggestion, this would help with a lot of things I've been working on as well.