Currently I am just setting the characters step size to 0.01
But the character can still move albiet taking ages, they can also still turn.

What i want to do is set the character to be unable to move or turn.
I have tried setting the step size to 0 but that just ends up
making them going really fast for some reason.

I should mention i currently have a pixel movement script from the developer hub.
I shall paste that here just incase that has relevence.


// File:
// Library: Xirre.MultiKeyMovement
// Author: Xirre

Notes: Make sure to disable default macros but have your macro name in your skins set to "macro".


//Initialize the script.

step_dir = 0 // Direction the user is facing

KeyDown(n as num)
set hidden = 1
step_dir += n
walk(src.mob, step_dir)
if(n == 1)
usr.IsPressingW = 1
if(n == 2)
usr.IsPressingS = 1
if(n == 8)
usr.IsPressingA = 1
if(n == 4)
usr.IsPressingD = 1
if (usr.IsMoving == 1)
if(usr.unconscious == 1)
usr.IsMoving = 1
KeyUp(n as num)
set hidden = 1
step_dir -= n
if(step_dir <= 0)
step_dir = 0
walk(src.mob, step_dir)
if(n == 1)
usr.IsPressingW = 0
if(n == 2)
usr.IsPressingS = 0
if(n == 8)
usr.IsPressingA = 0
if(n == 4)
usr.IsPressingD = 0
if(usr.IsPressingA == 0)
if(usr.IsPressingD == 0)
if(usr.IsPressingW ==0)
if (usr.IsPressingS == 0)
usr.IsMoving = 0

// Set the macros to be used
var/list/directions = list(
"w" = 1,
"s" = 2,
"a" = 8,
"d" = 4,
"North" = 1,
"South" = 2,
"West" = 8,
"East" = 4
) //List of directions to be used.

for(var/i in directions)
var/d = directions[i]
winset(src, "[i]macro", "parent=macro;name=[i];command=[url_encode("KeyDown [d]")]")
winset(src, "[i]macroUp", "parent=macro;name=[i]+UP;command=[url_encode("KeyUp [d]")]")
I have been trying to get that code to work as intended but so far have had no luck. Also im not sure how i would use that to freeze the player.
If you are having trouble getting something working, more specific information with the problem you are having is needed.

And that pixel movement system is really, really, really bad. It seems simple from the outside, but it's insanely bad once you know what you are doing.
Ill wait till your sunday snippet is out because i wouldnt want to trouble you too much.

Ive got everything working nice and smoothly (Except for a crash i need to track down as it only happens once in awhile.)