(See the best response by Kaiochao.)
return mob.canMove(loc,dir)&&..()


return !Frozen

Problem description: For some reason my characters just won't move at all, I'm using the same code I have for another game of mine that works just fine, but here it's just like they're always Frozen, no matter what the variable is set to.

Maybe you have other overrides of client/Move() or mob/canMove() elsewhere in the code?
Client/move() is a procedure that returns src.mob.move() as either true or false. It is not a method for moving an object or mob rather it is for checking if the object has moved. Basically, you are redefining the client procedure to return the TRUE value received from the "!Frozen" statement. This is forcing the client to output a response of client.Move() == True, but this does not effect the actual movement of the mob, only it's definition within the client.

In response to Pianoasis
What you're saying would be true if not for the "&&..()" afterwards.
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
Maybe you have other overrides of client/Move() or mob/canMove() elsewhere in the code?

That's the only definition I have set within the whole source, I do have some that call the client/Move(), but nothing else that overrides it.
In response to Blackclaw185
Best response
How about overrides of /mob/Move() or /atom/movable/Move()?

Does your main window have a macro list assigned, with macros that call the built-in movement verbs?
In response to Kaiochao
Kaiochao wrote:
How about overrides of /mob/Move() or /atom/movable/Move()?

Nope, those lines of code I posted originally are the only instances of me defining Move() anywhere, when I use find all for all files in Dream Maker, it's only here.

Kaiochao wrote:
Does your main window have a macro list assigned, with macros that call the built-in movement verbs?

Legendary, that fixed it. I usually just edit the default window, so I didn't realize when you made a new one it wasn't preset with the default macro and menu IDs.