(See the best response by Lummox JR.)
I managed to find a copy of old Finale and Naruto GOA source codes that I would like help making sense of. GOA's code is currently completely useless to me and byond my knowledge on how to repair but I have been tinkering with Finale for a few weeks now. I've been trying to create something that will not only allow me to create a random NPC simulating all of the player stats but also a verb that will allow me as an admin to "Inhabit" NPCs and play them and then leave them to return to whatever character I was playing before doing so.
I've been able to create an "inhabit" verb for admins that will mostly do this but I can only add the npc's stats to the admins at the moment I haven't been able to figure out how to replace them and then return. In terms of random NPC's I haven't been able to do it as I always run into a "expected constant" error when I try to assign it random stats. The goal is a classic MMO type system with random mobs of different levels and even different classes like an "Elite" variety that are stronger. I've also reduced the map sizes and been experimenting with map instancing to eventually have a main "Over" map with random encounters similar to final fantasy and randomly generated maps of different areas. I'm moving quite slowly thus far and if anyone would be willing to give me some insight I would gladly share the sources I found. There is no sense in me just quoting a small portion as the codes are both completely fucked and have issues coming from all directions.

No one will be able to help with a post like this.
Best response
You're really better off making a game from scratch, and basically doing none of the same things those sources do. You might be able to pick up some basic mechanics from those kinds of games, ideas of how to structure some things, but technique will often be very lacking.
Thanks for the advice. What I lack at the moment is an understanding of how the code flows and I definitely want to make my own game from what I learn. But at the moment I am uncertain of exactly where to begin. Are there any ways for me to see more deeply how code is processed so I can understand the order in which functions are run? Maybe a debug process I am unaware of or a way to export the information at launch to a .txt file? At the moment I can do basic things like create mobs, attack systems, stats, yadda yadda, verbs, objects, variables, basic procs. But staring at a new project and typing the first line of code is daunting. Designing a process for logging in and a savefile system is not the type of thing I know how to do for example.
In response to Kjjoker
Chapter 19 of the BYOND guide goes into detail about some good debugging practices.