Descriptive Problem Summary:
There are procs that used to work perfectly and now they're giving me errors, for example JoinEvent(usr), this is a proc I have that makes the player join the list of the event players and it used to always work, now when I'm in the game it gives a runtime error and shows me something like JoinEvent(null)
Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
While in game, some procs that use list() in it give me a runtime error and shows null instead of usr or object I'm trying to add to the list.

Expected Results:
The expected results is to work like it always used to work.
Actual Results:
When I use a proc that uses a list and adds something to it, it shows that I'm adding a null.
Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?Yes, it happens always with certain procs
In other games?No, only in the one I'm working on.
In other user accounts? Yes, everyon that plays the game experiences this, but the errors appear in Dream Daemon when I'm hosting the game.
On other computers? Yes

When does the problem NOT occur? I haven't tested every proc in the game because they used to always work.

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? I don't know if it has to do with the new version, but it's a big possibility, I don't want to go back to another version because I don't want anything to get messed.

Workarounds: Sometimes I try many thing and sometimes I fix it, thing like making more procs to do each little thing instead of only one.

Moved to Developer Help. This is an error in your code, not a BYOND bug.

Remember, usr is not safe in procs, only in verbs or pseudo-verbs like Click().
Probably would be good for you to display some code for an example of where one of the errors pop up. If you can, choose the most easily digestible code block so we can easily manipulate it.
In response to Spevacus
Ok, this is an example, I had this code that would always work:
Event//This is a button on screen that lights up when there's an event
desc="Click here to join event."
switch(alert(usr,"Do you want to join the event?","Join","Yes","No"))
if(usr in mazeplayers)
alert(usr,"You already join the event, wait patiently","You already Joined!")
mazeplayers.Add(usr)//this is where the runtime error happens, something like mazepkayers.Add(null)
world<<"<B><font color=red>Event:</b><font color=white> [] joined the event."
alert(src,"You joined the event, wait for it to begin. Stay alert!","Joined the Event")
if(usr in mazeplayers)
world<<"<B><font color=red>Event:</b><font color=white> [] abandonded the event."
Adding null to a list will not generate a runtime error unless the list doesn't exist. What does your actual runtime error say?
In response to Lummox JR
I don't know anymore for that specific example because I substituted everything under de Click() for a proc, and in the proc I placed everything you see under the Click(). But it happened to a proc I made called Alert(mob/M,var/desc,var/title), is a proc that works as the normal alert() but with a custom made interface for it, and it has returned the same error sometimes, giving runtime errors like Alert(null,... When I get another example I'll post it, but like I said, it giving me those errors on things that would always work, and the sometimes it works as it always did, and then sometimes it just gives the runtime errors saying null
Another thing

In your example you have alert(SRC,.. ) not usr
SRC is the event notification