clamp(a,b,c) returns the value of a (a number), limited to the numerical range between b and c. This is very similar to max(a,min(b,c)) but quicker, and it can adapt to cases where b>c. If a is a list, any numbers or null values in the list will all be clamped between b and c.
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (513.1490)

This issue has been resolved.
A quick alternative to combining min() and max() to clamp a value to a specific numerical range would be helpful.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
clamp(a,b,c) returns the value of a (a number), limited to the numerical range between b and c. This is very similar to max(a,min(b,c)) but quicker, and it can adapt to cases where b>c. If a is a list, any numbers or null values in the list will all be clamped between b and c.