look, I have no problems in general with the application but I use internet explorer for the interfaces, at least in the games I tested, it is annoying I don't know why but I can't install the update and I wish I could play ss13 with all its fucking interfaces !!.

thank you very much.
Not really a feature request. Moved.
true is just a complaint, here what I need, I want to not use internet explorer for the interfaces, I do not care if it is with something inside the application but when using other people's things like internet explorer for the interfaces it is more prone to problems . It is my opinion, not an absolute truth, much less and I can only play servers that do not ask much about interfaces and yet it does not show how it should and is something that ruins my experience.
Thank you very much
*outside the application
Switching to CEF as the underlying browser technology is something I'm looking towards, but it's not a small project.