MP3 files can now be used for sound. For existing projects this requires a re-compile since the compiler determines the file type stored in the .rsc file.
Applies to:Dream Maker
BYOND Version:513
Operating System:Windows 10 Pro
Web Browser:Firefox 71.0
Status: Resolved (513.1503)

This issue has been resolved.
Descriptive Problem Summary:

The sound picker doesn't let a user pick/upload .mp3 files, despite the client supporting their playback.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:

Attempt to upload a mp3 for sound playback, error.


Just pop open dreamseeker.exe and byondcore.dll and change ".raw" to ".mp3". But, that's not an acceptable solution.

The patents on the MP3 format expired in 2017. Also, FOSS such as Fedora have implemented support. It would be nice if BYOND let users use mp3 files now, because it already supports it.
+1 pretty please, even though ogg is vastly superior in every instance where you may would want to make the mistake of using MP3
This isn't a bug report, it's a feature request. I've moved the thread.
I would argue that it's a bug report, since BYOND literally already supports playback of MP3s with fmod, and all that needs to be changed is allowing their usage.
It's disabled on purpose, it's not a bug that it's disabled.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
MP3 files can now be used for sound. For existing projects this requires a re-compile since the compiler determines the file type stored in the .rsc file.
Update on this feature request: .mp3 files still aren't one of the filetypes in the default soundfile picker filter, even though you can play them now if you switch to all files.
In response to Zewaka
Done. Changed in 513.1520.