Hello everyone... I am wondering, I possibly may pay for Server Hosting for BYOND... I will be able to keep a Server running 24/7...
ATM I am thinking about running a 24/7 Chatters Server dedicated to Coders/Gamers Help and Talk.

I have the Hogwarts: A History Source and I bought a SGO (Stargate Online Source(Which I want to work on a bit more first))

But at the moment, I would like some suggestions on what Game I should Host 24/7...

If you have a Game that interests me... NOT Nuruto or Dragon Ball Z but something like My Life as a Spy or Cow RP or Harry Potter or anything urban styled like GTA.

This will be FREE Hosting if I am interested.

Also, since we're on the Subject... How many people want to Join a Chatters BYOND Server named C0DE TALK3RS which will be for Social and Coding Help 24/7?
Wow, HAH. Had some good times on there.
How long does it usually take for BYOND Membership to be improved? I want to upload a Game and I paid for a 1 Year Membership last night : /