
by F0lak
Explore a vast open world full of dangers and wonders
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Okay, this is something I've wanted for a long time. First off what started it all. Letters and parchment have a security issue of being easily readable and nobody ever knowing that their messages were compromised. I came up with an idea for that and it snowballed into quite a few ideas.

First of all let's start at the very beginning of how it would all work. BEE APIARIES. Why? Because we have an issue right now of people mass-producing large fields for crops in order to get a high crop yield. What if you could build apiaries that would attract bee colonies that will DOUBLE the yield of crops within a 5x5 tile around the apiary and produce honey and beeswax for a number of things. Now, farmers can half the size of their fields while optimizing them with apiaries to farm as needed.

Beeswax! Wax! Candles, light fixtures, lanterns, and more! Wax has a lot of implements that would be helpful to the game such as wield-able light sources if darkness and night time are introduced, light fixtures, and my favorite? WAX SEALS. Signet rings or seal stamps could be named, reproducing that name if used on a parchment with beeswax in the inventory. This way, a person receiving stamped mail will know who it's from, and whether or not the seal was broken before it reached its intended recipient (currently presumed to be in the title of a parchment if sent as mail.)

Now we have mail security? You can tell by whether the sprite has a broken seal or not if it's been opened by someone before proper receipt, and because of the title containing the recipient's name, and the seal containing the sender's name.

What about honey? Surely honey shouldn't get the short end of the stick. No, honey is a very nutritious treat by itself but perhaps a couple recipes could be added including MEAD YES FUCKING MEAD WITH HONEY AAAHH NORTHERNER'S DELIGHT AAAH. Anyways yeah it could be used to make some pastries too, but mead is the most important. Oh, with mead it's almost required you add wooden and iron tankards/flagons for mead.