Did I miss something about him? Did he win a large sum of money, or sue a major industry and get millions of dollars to be able to go off and spend?

How is he able to just go out and spend how he wishes... I mean... Everyone on BYOND?

Look at his post... He's buying everyone a membership.....
Well, who said he was telling the truth?
Thats alot of damn money to be throwing around.
I'm going with Jtgibson in saying he has someone's credit card number.
Also, if he bought a membership for every person on BYOND (there's about 15000 individual users), he'd have to pay $225,000. If he bought a membership for everyone (which is about 200,000 keys total) he'd have to pay $3,000,000 for it. I think he's just bullshitting everyone.

Proof of users
Proof of total keys
I bet he'll try and make us all rink his game. '_'
as iv rich
hes rich i know hes told me like 10 times and hes bought like 500 keys for people alrdy so stfu and just let him do w/e he wants it his money u retards
If you're going to buy every key on BYOND a membership why don't you just do it directly?

Also, even if it is under the unlikely circumstances that you are rich, it's your parent's money, not yours. Three million bucks is a lot for even a millionaire, or multimillionaire, and I doubt you fall under the status of a centimillionaire or billionaire.
<_< Let's hope he's not lying then.
Dbgtsuperfreak, if you are rich, could you renew my membership for me right now :D, i really need to renew my membership, and i would be greatful.
