Applies to:BYOND Pager
Status: Open

Issue hasn't been assigned a status value.
Been on the ol' wishlist a while now, and we've discussed it in private quite a few times, but I can't find my old request on the subject so I'm making a new one.

It's a semi-simple solution to the tedious workflow involved with testing things with multiple accounts, and that's a "Join as..." button, either on the ctrl+O open dialog, or an actual UI element on the server listings.

This would prompt you to join the world using a key you've previously signed into or a Guest account. If the account has a saved password it'll simply log you in using that account, if not, it'll prompt you for the password before continuing.

This is a lot easier than logging your account out (and waiting a few seconds for it to do so), logging another in (and waiting a few seconds for it to do so...), joining the game, logging out, logging in, joining, logging out, logging in, joining, and so forth.

As a note, this functionality already partially exists if you try joining a game with the "join as guest" option unchecked. You'll be prompted to login, this could be expanded to just not fully log you in, but do a quiet logout and login behind the scenes, join the world, then switch back.