A new variable or proc for cleaning out the text window would be great in 4.0, so that when you reboot instead of having all the old text from before the reboot it clears it all up.
Something like CLS in dos? Not a bad idea, but a good few return breaks could produce the same effect.
In response to Scoobert
A good few? Aren't there 200 lines? Good few indeed.

That many new lines can bog down older computers though. I remember when I was still using my parents old dino computer I did that to myself once and it locked the window up for a few seconds. I wouldn't have thought something that simple would make the processor sweat, but it did even if not for long.
for(var/index = 1 to 200)
src << "<br>" //or "\n"

Included it for the heck of it.
In response to Loduwijk
There'll also be 200 line breaks in the log.
I concur; ClearScreen would be very, very nice (also for telnet /hint)