[topic title] aren't lists saved like all other non-tmp vars ?

Can that be worked-around ? Or can it at least be documented in the reference, that they aren't saved automatically ?
I don't know what you've been trying to do, but lists are preserved in savefiles.

Unless you're talking about libraries such as dmp_reader and Popisfizzy's version, neither of which saves objects within lists properly into .dmm files since they want to stick to the pre-existing standards so darn much.
In response to Android Data

List = list("Lol, testing for BYOND features post.")
for(var/A in List)
world << A
var/savefile/F = new("Saves/[src.ckey].sav")
usr << "Your character has been saved."

Run that snippet, click Check verb. Save and close game. Remove the mob/New() bit and run again. Click Check again only to find out it now sends null to the world.
In response to Andre-g1
You're...never loading the data, just saving it.
In response to Nadrew
Could have sworn they didn't save on my actual project. And yes, I was actually loading there.

Sorry for the bogus topic.