I'm considering to open up a blog on given that I do very little with this site and it is listed as my website.

I think others might benefit from this idea, too: allowing your blog to act as an RSS feed to one or more other blogs. In addition to listing "local" posts on the BYOND site, it would also list posts from other blogs. These posts would have a special class so you can give them a different stylesheet.
You're already able to grab post information from your current blog using either RSS or, if you're particuarly desperate, you can use new website features to get a list of all your posts, links to them etc, and from there, grab the post data as necessary (and cache it in a database as well).

Forwarding your BYOND blog on another website is more than possible.
In response to Tiberath
Tiberath wrote:
Forwarding your BYOND blog on another website is more than possible.

But what about forwarding my other website from my BYOND blog?
In response to Android Data
Android Data wrote:
Tiberath wrote:
Forwarding your BYOND blog on another website is more than possible.

But what about forwarding my other website from my BYOND blog?

Oh, that's what you were asking? Oh... no, I can't think of any method to do that. But really, what difference does it make which order you do it in? The only negative aspect is if you allow comments on your website, they can't be transferred to your BYOND blog. Which is in itself, such a tiny, tiny concern.


I think you could hack something like this up.

I suppose, you could send the POST data to BYOND and have it add it to your blog page, but you'd have to redirect the browser to the right address, and you'd have to be logged in on BYOND before hand for it to work.