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Problem description:
Heya! So I'm using a library called "Dynamic Lighting" by Forum account, and I attached a light object to the player mob. It functions properly, but there's a small visual thing that bothers me about it... The light objects position is being set to the owner mobs' X and Y position. My problem with that is that I want the light to glide along with the player when moving, instead of instantly moving the position of the light object to the players new position. How can I achieve that?
If this is unachievable with this library, does anyone know a library that can achieve this glide effect?

I hope I explained this properly, but thanks in advance!
Forum_account's library is incredibly out of date. There are better ways to do everything his library does now.
Any lighting library in particular that you'd recommend then?
Nadrew has one that is a good starting point. Do not rely on a library.
Gotcha, will take a look. Thanks for helping me out! :)