Applies to:Webclient
Status: Open

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Hey! So I love the BYONDExe, and we know I join a lot of jams as it's something I enjoy. However, the Game Jam communities seem to respond better to games that can be played in the browser, thus my request is someway to do just that.

I do not care if it's like the BYONDExe and needs to be approved by the BYOND staff. It'd be a really cool feature.

Nadrew suggested a work around but after a searching the web nearly all day I have yet to find a way to translate EXE into HTML/5/A Javascript program/Web application. Though it's suggested to be possible by some of those other engines web players and what not I am failing to find anything useful to work around this. A one player webclient player would be amazing though :)
My suggestion was to make your exe a wrapper for something like CEF and load your game with that.
Ill continue studying. Thanks for the elaboration