        var/which = input("Which orb shall you fuse with.","Choose your element")in list("Earth","Fire","Wind","Water","Lightning","Grass")
if(which == "Earth")
usr.Element = "Earth"
usr.icon = 'Earth.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "earth"
if(which == "Fire")
usr.Element = "Fire"
usr.icon = 'Fire.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "fire"
if(which == "Wind")
usr.Element = "Wind"
usr.icon = 'Wind.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "wind"
if(which == "Water")
usr.Element = "Water"
usr.icon = 'Water.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "water"
if(which == "Lightning")
usr.Element = "Lightning"
usr.icon = 'Lighting.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "lighting"
if(which == "Grass")
usr.Element = "Grass"
usr.icon = 'Grass.dmi'
usr.icon_state = "grass"

Problem description:

that i can not make the path for people where you would go object then mob then there should be elements but it not there all it give me is warnings saying that it is not being used. why?
Archfiend Master wrote:
>       var/which = input("Which orb shall you fuse with.","Choose your element")in list("Earth","Fire","Wind","Water","Lightning","Grass")
> mob/Elements
> Earth
> if(which == "Earth")
> usr.Element = "Earth"
> usr.icon = 'Earth.dmi'
> usr.icon_state = "earth"
> Fire
> if(which == "Fire")
> usr.Element = "Fire"
> usr.icon = 'Fire.dmi'
> usr.icon_state = "fire"
> Wind
> if(which == "Wind")
> usr.Element = "Wind"
> usr.icon = 'Wind.dmi'
> usr.icon_state = "wind"
> Water
> if(which == "Water")
> usr.Element = "Water"
> usr.icon = 'Water.dmi'
> usr.icon_state = "water"
> Lighnting
> if(which == "Lightning")
> usr.Element = "Lightning"
> usr.icon = 'Lighting.dmi'
> usr.icon_state = "lighting"
> Grass
> if(which == "Grass")
> usr.Element = "Grass"
> usr.icon = 'Grass.dmi'
> usr.icon_state = "grass"
> ..()

Problem description:

that i can not make the path for people where you would go object then mob then there should be elements but it not there all it give me is warnings saying that it is not being used. why?

First of all, your if's are out of place (unless those are labels)

Also, if this is login code then heres a remade version of it

mob/var/which=input("Which orb shall you fuse with?","Choose your element") in list("Earth","Fire","Wind","Water","Lightning","Grass")
src.icon='Player.dmi' //See footnote 1
src.icon_state=src.which //See footnote 2

Footnote 1:It is easier to put icons of the same nature in a single file or else you will have way too many files

Footnote 2:Put the iconstates in capitals equivilant to the choices to make this line work

Using labels as comments are not all that good so just use the /**/ or // comment sets
Making new child nodes is not allowed in a proc
If you have so many if's then you could use a switch statement to compact the equations

Next time...also post compiler output or runtime output as it will help us because you did not tell me what your problem was