icon = 'Sinnoh Pokemon.dmi'
icon_state = "driftblim"
Shout(T as text)
set name = "Shout"
set category = "Commands"
if(usr.Mute == 1)
usr << "You cannot speak, you are muted!"
world << "<b>[usr] shouts: [filter(T)]"
// usr << "Be sure to use a '?' at the end"
world << "<b>Razan shouts: What can I do for you, [usr]?"
usr << "Reset Login<br>Send me to start<br>What pokemon are in the maze?<br>Help<br>You have 30 seconds to reply."
usr.RazanTalk = 1
usr.RazanTalk = 0
// if(findtext(msg,"load my profile"))
// usr.load()
// usr << "[usr]'s Character Was Deleted."
if(usr.RazanTalk == 1)
usr << ""
if(findtext(T,"Reset Login"))
usr.isnew = 0
world << "<b>Razan The Driftblim: Ok.."
world << "[usr] was reset by Razan The Driftblim."
usr.RazanTalk = 0 if(findtext(T,"Send me to start"))
usr << " Teleporting..."
usr.loc = locate(70,63,2)
usr.RazanTalk = 0
if(findtext(T,"What pokemon are in the maze?"))
world << "<b>Razan The Driftblim shouts: Please choose the Region you want to look in.."
usr.RazanTalk = 0
switch(input("Please select a region","Maze Pokemon") in list ("Kanto","Johto","Hoenn","Sinnoh"))//creates a list to choose from
if("Kanto")//If they click this then
// worldlog +="[usr.key] Checks Help"+"<br>"
// WorldLogSave()//Saves the log after it adds it!
usr <<browse("<font size = +2><center><u>Kanto Pokemon</font></u><br>Bulbasaur")//show this
if("Johto")//If they click this then
// worldlog +="[usr.key] Checks Help"+"<br>"
// WorldLogSave()//Saves the log after it adds it!
usr <<browse("<font size = +2><center><u>Johto Pokemon</font><br>Chickorita")//show this
if("Hoenn")//If they click this then
// worldlog +="[usr.key] Checks Help"+"<br>"
// WorldLogSave()//Saves the log after it adds it!
usr <<browse("<font size = +2><center><u>Hoenn Pokemon</font><br>Mudkip")//show this
if("Sinnoh")//If they click this then
// worldlog +="[usr.key] Checks Help"+"<br>"
// WorldLogSave()//Saves the log after it adds it!
usr <<browse("<font size = +2><center><u>Sinnoh Pokemon</font><br>Chimchar")//show this
world << "Razan The Driftblim shouts: What do u want help in?"
usr.RazanTalk = 0
switch(input("Please select a category","Help") in list ("Can I be a GM?","How do I play?","The Rules"))//creates a list to choose from
if("Can I be a GM?")//i could go on and on :D if click this
// worldlog +="[usr.key] Checks Can i be a GM"+"<br>"
// WorldLogSave()//Saves the log after it adds it!
alert("No.plain and simple if we need one we'll ask.")//show this
if("How do I play?")
// worldlog +="[usr.key] Checks How do i get a partner?"+"<br>"
// WorldLogSave()//Saves the log after it adds it!
alert("There is really no right way on how to play this game,just walk around and do whatever..but there is rules check out ''The Rules'' list in the Help Menu if you want to see a full list.")
if("The Rules")
// worldlog +="[usr.key] Checks The Rules"+"<br>"
// WorldLogSave()//Saves the log after it adds it!
usr << "1. Do not ask for Admin.<br>2.Respect fellow players,GMs,ENF.,and Helpers.<br>3.No Spamming of anykind.<br>4.No Swearing of anykind,(even if blocked).<br>5.Do not random PK players,ask to battle first.<br>6.Do not advertise other games,you will be muted.<br>7.Trainers, do not random catch people,ask them first.<br>8.Try and keep this game ''clean''.<br>9.There is a build zone,dont build anywhere you want."m>

The problem is, when I press the "Shout" command the text box doesnt pop up, it just puts a " there like Reno Kujika shouts: " it will automatically do is wrong with it?