Particle values were inconsistently based on either client ticks or BYOND standard ticks. All of the timing has been adjusted to use BYOND standard ticks. This will impact any particle effects you already have: spawn count should be divided by tick_lag for instance, and friction and drift in particular may need to be updated (which in turn would affect gravity).
Applies to:DM Language
Status: Resolved (514.1547)

This issue has been resolved.
Particle timing is currently a mix of standard ticks and client ticks.
Lummox JR resolved issue with message:
Particle values were inconsistently based on either client ticks or BYOND standard ticks. All of the timing has been adjusted to use BYOND standard ticks. This will impact any particle effects you already have: spawn count should be divided by tick_lag for instance, and friction and drift in particular may need to be updated (which in turn would affect gravity).