I made up this algorithm to sort associative lists, here's the scan on the profiling.

                   Profile results (total time)
Proc Name Self CPU Total CPU Real Time Calls
--------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
/mob/verb/Test 238.469 238.469 238.469 1
/mob/verb/Test2 17.469 17.469 17.469 1

I profiled the Test verb which sorted 100,000 elements of an associative list.

Test2 verb, creates the associative list with 100,000 elements.

Here goes :

var/list/List= list()
var/list/ValueList= list()
for(var/A in List)
KeyList += A
ValueList += List[A]
for(var/A=1 to ValueList.len)
var/Value = max(ValueList)
var/index = ValueList.Find(Value)
var/Key = KeyList[index]
ValueList -= Value
KeyList -= Key
List[Key] = Value

for(var/I = 1 to 100000)
var/Value = rand(1,200000)
var/rand2 = ascii2text(rand(1,255))
var/rand3 = ascii2text(rand(1,255))
var/rand4 = ascii2text(rand(1,255))
var/rand5 = ascii2text(rand(1,255))
var/Key = rand2+rand3+rand4+rand5
List[Key] = Value

Don't mind Test2() I just made it in a hurry to test my algorithm, anyways, I need help improving my algorithm, if possible. And thanks !
Why would you need to sort an associative list?

Regardless, I'm pretty sure changing the position of the key won't affect which key is mapped to which value, so you can just run any sorting algorithm over the list (DM can do > and < comparisons on strings). Just quicksort it.
In response to Jp
The mob's keys are associated with one of their vars on that list, and I need to sort them based on the those same vars.