if name = ""
name = "Blank Name = Banned"

Is there anyway I can do that? Or do it if so if their name is "" they get disconnected?
if(name == null) (Null being the same as "")
del(usr) // or src, depending on what your doing.
In response to Flame Sage
Thanks :O
[Edit]Hmm... can't get it to quite work... I'm going to go... tinker with it... the User is still there...
<code>mob/Login() if(! del(src) ..()</code>
In response to Foomer
Thank, you Foomer, very much... :P
In response to Flame Sage
First, it should be src here. Second, null is NOT the same as "". However, if you use !name, that compares it against null, "", and 0.
In response to Garthor
Flame Sage wrote:
if(name == null) (Null being the same as "")
del(usr) // or src, depending on what your doing.

Garthor wrote:
First, it should be src here.

But what if its an obj/verb that deletes the player if the obj has no name? :P
In response to Foomer
Then he could change it.

What if it's a proc?
In response to Garthor
Thus the "usr or src, depending on what your doing" comment.
In response to Foomer
Bleh, I didn't see the comment.