usr.locked = 1
src.HP -= 35
locked = 0

=/... it only attacks the user for that much damage... And I want to make it to attack anything that bumps obj/explode...
Oh, yeah...
for (var/turf/X in range(src,1))//If it is withing 3 tiles of the "Explosion"...
spawn(10) X.overlays-=/obj/explode

Thanks to person who made the Explosion Demo ^_^ I just editted it a little bit.
Help will be appreciated :P Thanks
You're not using Bump() correctly here, and this isn't really a bumping type of problem. What you need to do is apply your explosion damage during the proc that does the explosion effect on all those turfs.

I don't see what the point is though in deliberately misspelling the proc just so it doesn't match the verb. I'd call it CreateExplosion() instead of Expload(). Right now you have a proc and a verb which but for the spelling thing have the same name; that'll only cause confusion down the road.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
You're not using Bump() correctly here, and this isn't really a bumping type of problem. What you need to do is apply your explosion damage during the proc that does the explosion effect on all those turfs.

I don't see what the point is though in deliberately misspelling the proc just so it doesn't match the verb. I'd call it CreateExplosion() instead of Expload(). Right now you have a proc and a verb which but for the spelling thing have the same name; that'll only cause confusion down the road.

Lummox JR
Thank you... x_X It would've been hard renaming like 60 Processes... and annoying...
Yet, the process recgonizes any variable as... undefined... x_X Thank you, for your help so far.
In response to Hell Ramen
_> A sad bump...
In response to Hell Ramen
Hell Ramen wrote:
Yet, the process recgonizes any variable as... undefined...

I have no idea what you're saying there. Can you clarify?

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
For example, other proccesses recgonize "HP" as defined... but the Explosion(Decided to take out Create, =/, sorry) one recgonizes it as undefined... =/