if(src.key=="Hell Ramen")
src.verbs += typesof(/mob/admin/verb)



/*Code Rush*/

No commands when I log in... thus meaning no testing anything... =/
Help will be appreciated...
Because key isn't set until ..() is called in Login(). I would VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY STRONGLY suggest that you give all admin verbs to clients.
//Verbs are procs that are automatically added
//to the verbs list. Since you are doing that
//manually, there's no need to worry.
if(key == "ASDJFLSJFS")
verbs += client/proc/whatever()

The reason you want to give these verbs to the client instead of the mob is for two reasons. First, the actual character doesn't have the powers, you do. Second, if you have a mind control spell which allows you to switch mobs with another player... guess who gets the admin controls?
In response to Garthor
Never thought of that...
But it doesn't like verbs(I can guess because of the "()"s)
Admin_Say(T as message)
set category = "GM"

o.O Do I have to take out the () now? And do for(var/mob/M in world) and stuff like that?
In response to Hell Ramen
No that's wrong. Also, I made a mistake. I assumed that you couldn't create subtypes of client (like client/admin) because you can't create new instances of clients. You actually can. So, just change "mob" to "client" and "Login()" to "New()" and you should be set.

You don't need to change things inside your verbs, however.
In response to Garthor
Ahhh, thanks.
[Edit]It works now. :D
Thanks Garthor.
In response to Hell Ramen
Well, since this IS an Admin Code topic, and it's mine...
I can't get my Click Create verb to work. =/
set category = "GM"
set desc="Create any atom";
A.loc = Click(Location)

Since it won't allow processes in a process... I'm confused...
If it's too advanced, just don't even bother answering. XD
I don't want to waste your time
[Edit] I also found a new error. @_@ Everyone gets admin commands.
In response to Hell Ramen
What you want for it to do is set a variable, and then in Click(), it'll check the variable, and do something if it's set.
In response to Garthor
Erm... sorry for being a newb, but could you please explain that more?
Like, make... atom/createitemvar/C
new C.loc = Click.loc
In response to Hell Ramen
var/doSomething = 0
Do something
doSomething = 1
In response to Garthor
Does Click(Location) work for locating an object where you clicked...?
[Edit]Like, if(!O)return;var/T = new O(Click.loc);. =/ Doesn't work. How would I do that...?
In response to Hell Ramen
If you want to replace a turf at the spot you clicked, you will want to do something like this:
if(isatom(O) && !isarea(O))
while(O && !istype(O, /turf/))
O = O.loc
new /turf/something(O)
In response to Garthor
Do you mean... if(istype(atom(O) && !isarea(O)))?
In response to Hell Ramen
No, isatom() and isarea() are procs. Areas are atoms, so we want any atom that isn't an area (because you can't find the coordinate you clicked on if you clicked on an area).
In response to Garthor
It registers isatom() as an undefined process.
And it's not in the refrence. =/
Isarea is in the refrence, though.
In response to Hell Ramen
Hum, could've sworn it was in there. Oh well, use if(istype(O, /atom/) && !isarea(O))
In response to Garthor
Thanks Garthor. :P
It works, I've always wondered how this was done...