Applies to:DM Language
Status: Open

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var obj/o = new
o.mask_bound_x = 8
o.mask_bound_y = 8
o.mask_bound_width = 24
o.mask_bound_height = 24

The ability to only display a portion or part of a icon, similar to masking?
It would be more convenient than requiring a mask icon.

I really want a /rectangle object to replace all the *_x/y/width/height variables throughout DM.
mask_bounds = "8,8 to 24,24"

While still having mask_x,mask_y,mask_width, & mask_height you could even allow the use of animate() so that the mask could be animated
I agree.

However, I'd propose this be done by expanding the current syntax:


Not specifying an icon would assume that you are doing a rectangle mask.

Specifying an icon with a width/height argument would pre-scale the graphic being masked against.
Bump, this would really help with making things with BYOND.

Being able to animate the bound variables to have something disappear overtime would be epic too.
+1 would be nice