var/list/l = params2list(params) //convert the param string to a list.
var/list/l2 = splittext(l["screen-loc"],",") //split the screen coordinates at the comma.
//now we need to split the two strings in l2 into separate strings for processing.
var/list/lx = splittext(l2[1],":")
var/list/ly = splittext(l2[2],":")
//now, convert the text into numbers and do the math to get the on-screen coordinates of the mouse action.
var/sx = (text2num(lx[1]) * 32)
var/sy = (text2num(ly[1]) * 32)
var/wx = src.bound_x + sx
var/wy = src.bound_y + sy
usr.test.loc = locate(wx/32,wy/32,1)
usr.test.step_x = text2num(lx[2])
usr.test.step_y = text2num(ly[2])

Problem description:
Is there a way to get this specific bit of code to work with, and take into consideration, transform*=2 for my default map? When I try it, the location seems off, especially the closer the mouse is to the player/center.
You need to think, if your transform has doubled, then you need to account for that in any equations depending on it not having been scaled. The opposite of multiplication is division, so dividing your end result of the coordinates by map.transform should give you the desired effect. (assuming that your 'map' is referring to the plane_master that your gameplay is being rendered on).