Hi, asking around byond and SS13-related pages because I'm experiencing a pretty annoying bug.

Basically while playing Space Station 13 I can't click to the right of my character. Left, up, and down all work fine but I'm unable to click to the right side to say turn on my internals or fire a gun at a target to the right. No one has heard of this issue and I haven't been able to fix it yet.

I've tried clearing my reinstalling byond, clearing my cache and reinstalling byond, having no programs running after clearing my cache and reinstalling byond, and it doesn't seem to work.

Any ideas?
This is almost definitely an issue on your system. Something, it seems, is overlaying the game window and intercepting mouse clicks.
How can I figure out what that problem is? Like how could I troubleshoot it?
I literally just posted about this as well. I am also having this issue!
There are programs that will let you hook Windows messages and see what window is under the cursor, so you could try that.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
There are programs that will let you hook Windows messages and see what window is under the cursor, so you could try that.

I'm a bit dumb, can you explain this in more detail? What is that?
There are programs like Windows Spy that will look at the messages being passed around in a window. There's usually a window selection tool you can drag over part of the desktop to choose which window to inspect. If you drag that over the SS13 window, you'll probably see some other window is in the way.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if this is just a specific server, and they're doing something ill-advised like trying to overlay a transparent output over the window for chat. That will absolutely mess up mouse activity.
I've been told there's a bug in a recent Windows update that messes up mouse hits in some programs if you're using Windows' DPI scaling feature.

Check your display settings for DPI scaling. Are you using 150%? If so, try changing it to 100%, or at least doing so just for Dream Seeker if possible.
Tried this. It's set to 100. I figure maybe setting it to 150 then back might help. Sadly not. I'm having this issue with two servers that I know of. Aurora station and CM-13
I can right click examine things but shift clicking and using hotkeys is fucked in that area. As well as any attempt to turn on internals and what not is legit impossible.

Starting to think I need to just rollback windows updates entirely.
So fun fact. It was an issue with not updating windows fully, instead of windows updates!

I updated windows all the way for windows 10 and my problem is gone.
Ah, probably they fixed the bug in question on their end.
Yeah I had the issue still a few hours ago. Decided to push some updates through and it's fixed. Thank you for the help!